Thursday, November 29, 2012

A month.

Isn't it funny how long a month can feel when you are anticipating something, like the birth of a child? Now, a few months from now I"ll look back and wonder where the time has gone once my little one is 3 or more months old. Right now, however, a month feels so long.

Instead of viewing it as 30 painfully long days, I'll chose to view it with joy. Instead of complaining how uncomfortable I am each and every day (and its getting worse!) I'll choose to focus on what is right in front of me.

1. I have three amazing children who love my attention. So, I will get down on the floor (may not get back up) and play with them.

2. I will enjoy the independence my children each have (some more than others) to do little tasks. Once baby comes I'll be pretty much connected to this new little life for a few months.

3. I will enjoy working with Sophia's homework, doing crafts with her, and spending as much time as possible with her when she is home from school.

4. I will enjoy a few dates with my husband (almost) kid free.

There is a whole lot of 'yuck' in the world that can drag you down. The world we live in can be a very depressing place. But you can choose not to let it drag you down! You can start each day and say no to those yucky thoughts and make the most of the days.

Instead of me viewing the last month of this pregnancy in a bad way, I can choose to rejoice in the baby growing in my womb, the little life that he/she will become. Am I uncomfortable, absolutely! Will I let that rob my joy, no way.

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