Thursday, June 14, 2012


Today is my brothers birthday. They are 32! I can't believe we are getting old. Scary. I always thought it was cool their birthday was on Flag Day. Growing up, I thought it was random their birthday fell on flag day every year. Yeah, I was blonde. My mom is pretty much amazing for birthing twins. She knew she was having a baby and even though she was getting very large she just expected another big baby. My brother and sister were both big babies and so she just asumed she was growing another large child. She got to delivery day and my brother Robert was born only then to find out Nathanael was fast on his heels. I think that would be the shock of a lifetime. I'm not sure what else could be more suprrising than to find out after you just had one baby that another was crowning and to get ready to push again. My mom is superwoman, and I'm not kidding. She would always make two birthday cakes for each birthday, a chocolate and vanilla. One year, my brothers being big jokers teased her that they each only got one cake and everyone else got two. So one year my mom made FOUR cakes. Lets just say we ate a lot of cake for a few days until it was gone. My brothers were 3.5 years older than me and I loved them so much. They picked on me and were sometimes heartless to me, but if anyone else ever tried to hurt me in any way they didn't tolerate it. THEY were the only ones allowed to pick on me. Even though we hardly talk anymore because how busy life is, its so nice to stop and think about how fun it was growing up with older brothers. Robert (Rob) and I had track and cross country in common. I always felt he was proud of me and my running. Nathanael ('thanael) and I became close after he graduated high school and stayed home to attend community college for a year. It broke my heart when he left for northern Wisconsin to attend bible college. We were so close and I was so sad to see him go. I am blessed to have them as brothers and I only hope and pray my chidlren have similar relationships with each other as they grow. That they value having each other and use each other for support.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Being a part of a family

Pretty much my entire adult life I have been in a church because my husband has worked at it. We dont choose each week where we want to go, or if we want to try a new church, we have the same church, and it becomes our family. The only times I have ever felt 'out of place' was the first few weeks at a new church. Then, after a few weeks, we start to get used to the people and the routine and they beomce family to us. This week, I am taking the kids to VBS at a local church in our community. I had never been inside this church, but I had only heard good things about it. I figured it would be fun for the kids to try out and have something to do. Monday morning, I loaded them up and took them over. Walking into a church where no one really knew me, or expected me to be there was a new experience. I had this idea in my head what it would be like to not really know anyone, walk into a church and hopefully be greeted and felt welcome. It was such a strange feeling to not be needed anywhere. There was no childrens class that needed a teacher, the nursery didn't need someone to cover for anyone, I wasn't needed anywhere. After my third and final day today (rest of the week wont work to take the kids) I have to say, I'd rather be a part of a church family and be involved than to come in and out un-noticed. Its not that the people weren't friendly, because they were, and its not because the size of the church, as it was a rather large church, it just wasn't familiar to me. This is the part people will agree/disagree with me. I dont see how people can come to church, sit through the service and leave without being 'noticed' and not want to be involved. I"m not an extravert. I dont typically like to be on stage in front of a crowd of people, but I dont mind teaching a room full of children. What good is being a part of a church family if you aren't helping out in some way? I'm not trying to guilt people into getting involved, you have to want to, but after the last three days of being un-noticed and slipping in and out. So, if you a reading this, and are one of those people who go to church but dont really get involved, consider helping out! There are probably lots of things you could do that you wouldn't even think need done. I know at my church, we are in need of sunday school teachers, junior church teachers and nursery workers. Seem scary to be around kids? Well, they aren't scary! I probably learn more from the kids on a given sunday than I teach them. Children are such a blessing and a great gift from God.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

I created this blog, to write daily things about my children in hopes that I can keep my thoughts organized about different milestons they hit. Then when I go to scrapbook their pictures, I can refer to this blog to keep track of important dates. Sounds great in writing, now if I can keep up with the blog! First, this summer has been amazing. Sophia learned to ride her bike without training wheels (June 5th) and just took off. She needed help for about two tries and on the third try she said "Dad you can let go now" Reminds me of the song "You can let go now, daddy, I can do this on my own" I cry like a baby when I hear it. Her balance is amazing and it looks like she has been riding her bike for months and not just a few days. Elliot amazes me everyday as well. His is less physical development but his vocabulary and is growing leaps and bounds. He too rides his bike, which up until a few weeks ago was non existent. He is more outgoing in groups now which is a huge answer to prayer as well. We signed him up for preschool in the fall. I was always saying they dont need to go for for two years but I need to look at my children as individuals. Sophia didn't need to go two years but I feel it will benefit Elliot to go. It will be two mornings a week for 3.5-4 hours a day. Andrew is my 'wild child' and keeps me busy. He just goes and goes. His newest thing is yelling "ready set go" and taking off running. His knees show that he has fallen many times but that doesn't stop him from go go go'ing! He is just over 19 months old and all boy. Now for the biggest news, December we will be adding our 4th little one to our family! We found out about 8 weeks ago and are just now starting to tell the news. I am 11 weeks and feeling every bit of it. We are excited for the new addition but scared at the same time to change the dynamic of our family yet again. We are probably not going to find out the sex of the baby as I really like to wait to find out. Sophia is praying for a girl as she 'desperately needs a sister' but I just want a healthy baby. I would be lieing if I said I honestly didn't care as my heart does long for another daughter. But God already knows the plans for this little ones life and what I need. I just will keep trusting Him on that and enjoy the time. I will try to post more and update on my kids as the summer goes. I am planning some fun activities, play dates, and adventures so as the summer goes along I'll update and share. Of course once summer is over I'll continue to update on my growing family!