Friday, September 7, 2012

All about E

As many of you know, I have three children. Sophia, Elliot and Andrew. We are expecting our 4th little one in December. Today, I'm going to talk about my first born son Elliot. I will back up a few months to his three year check up. He completely freaked out at the doctors office. I dont know if I didn't prepare him for the visit like I should have or what exactly but he just was not having it. The nurse couldn't touch him to do any stats, he wouldn't stand on the scale. He was screaming. The doctor went to check him over and he kicked her. Thats when she stopped the visit and said "He may have a touch of autism". I was so taken back by her quick assumption of my son. I was in shock honestly. I knew he was shy and more reserved than my daughter but austistic? I didn't see it. We took him to our family doctor about a week or so later and he thoroughly checked him over, talked to him, came to his level and asked him questions. Didn't try to come in the room and rush right to him, but gave him space to let him know he was safe. Thats what Elliot needs. About a week after the visit, the doctor sent us a letter (I believe it was written by himself) stating how he thinks Elliot is a perfectly fine 3 year old that dos not have autism) Fast forward to present day. He really has opened up at home and is talking all the time. He still is reserved when in a group but that could just be his personality. Randy has an ipad that I have filled with educational games for the kids to play. Elliot has been playing this one, LetterSchool app and let me tell you, its amazing! He will sit and play and learn his letters. I'm amazed at how well he is doing. While I am sharing about Elliot, I will share one more story. We decided not to send him to preschool this fall. I really feel he needs to be home with me one more year. As 'easy' as it would be to just send him to get him out of my hair (doesn't that sound awful) I wasn't ready and felt he would hate going anyway. It would probably have been a fight every day to get him there without crying and why put him through that stress? So we un-enrolled him and I geared up to 'homeschool' him this year. He was all pumped to have ME as his teacher and when we talked about going to school next year he always started to cry. Until yesterday, walking Sophia into school he spotted the playground at the preschool we sent Sophia too. He perked up and asked about the yellow slide. I told him that would be the playground he could play at next year when he went to school and for the first time didn't object to going. He said "You be my teacher this year and next year that will be my playground with a new teacher" He seemed ok with it too. I can see growth in him every single day. Not just in his vocabulary and his abilities but his confidence as well. He is a tenderhearted, kind little boy who is so sweet. I'm excited to watch him grow into a little boy and eventually a man. Today, we are going to the library for story hour. He is excited as he is now the 'big kid' going without Sophia going with us. How cute is that?! I'm sure I'll have more updates on just Elliot, as well as all my children individually. Just so proud of Elliot and how far he has come since turned 3.
Here is a picture of him and his newest face, his cheesy smile. For the longest time if you asked for a picture he would scowl at you and look away. Now it seems he smiles for pictures all the time.

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