Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New Beginnings.

So, I created this blog thinking I would update all the time and that has been a big fail! But I am hoping now that we are back in a routine, I can keep up. I would really like to share the happenings with my family here and less on facebook. I'm so tired of hearing all the time "You post so much on facebook" Yes, I do, but I have all my family living far away and its nice to have them stay connected with us. With that said, I want to update on our first day of school! I was a mess going into Tuesday, so much so, I didn't sleep the night before. I was just worried for her. I was afraid I would over sleep or we would be late or something would happen and tramatize the girl and her school start would be tainted forever. Why do I worry? It all worked out FINE. Sophia was excited and couldn't eat breakfast so I made her eat an apple on the way to school (at least it was something right?!) I took Andrew and Elliot with me as Randy had early morning meetings. Honestly though, it helped me not be as sad (aka, bawling) because I had to focus on keeping the boys by my side. After many pictures and a few almost tears, we left Sophia in the hands of her teacher, student teacher and 19 other students. Walking out to the van I fought the tears but held them in. I knew this day was coming, can't keep them babies forever, but it just came so fast! The best part of the day was watching Elliot and Andrew establish 'alpha dog' status. Elliot is not a take charge kind of kid. He is laid back and willing to compromise, especially when big sister wants to do something. He started bossing Andrew around like he is so much bossed around by Sophia. Lets just say the new boss was struggling bossing someone around who wanted nothing to do with being bossed. Andrew was just not having it. He kept saying "No Elliot" and running away which would only make Elliot mad. This brother bond may take a little longer to form than I thought. Day 2 of school so far went ok. I packed her lunch and made sure her folder and name tag was clipped to her shirt. As we walked up to the doors she said I could just leave her there and I insisted I needed to take her the entire way. (100% NOT ready for that yet). I feel though, she has her wings and she is ready to fly. Sophia is a confident little girl. I've been told her independence would be a good thing and I'm starting to see it. She may be bossy around her brothers but she's not like that in a large group of kids. I see her as a quiet leader, that leads with her actions and good choices more so than a loud voice. I can't express how proud I am to be her mom. First day of school picture.
Well thats all for now. I need to fold the mountain of laundry I've been putting off. Kids are starting to run out of clean clothes.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there Sara...I promise it gets easier, and by the time Drew is going to school, it will be second nature to you. love ya!!
